Labiaplasty Specialist

Jamie E. Kim, MD, FACOG

OB/GYN located in Fountain Valley, CA

Are you unhappy with the look of your genitalia? Do your vaginal lips twist during intercourse causing pain? Jamie Kim, MD, FACOG, at her office in Fountain Valley, California, may be able to help with labiaplasty, which is a surgical procedure that improves the appearance of your labia minora. Call today, or schedule a consultation using the online booking button.

Labiaplasty Q & A

What is a labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of your labia minora, which are the smaller vaginal lips that fold over your vulva. You may be considering labiaplasty if your labia minora hangs outside your labia majora, which are your outer vaginal lips, or if they twist and tug causing pain during intercourse or when riding a bike. Labiaplasty can also fix labia minora asymmetry, which means one lip hangs lower than the other.

Labiaplasty is one of the most common vaginal rejuvenation procedures requested by women. Dr. Kim received specialized training in aesthetic vaginal reconstructive surgery and is one of only a few female physicians in California using laser treatments to improve the aesthetic look of your genitalia.

What types of labiaplasty are available?

Dr. Kim is an expert in aesthetic treatments for women and provides a number of labiaplasty procedures to improve the look and health of your labia and outer genitalia.

Specialized labiaplasty treatments available include:

  • Laser reduction labiaplasty
  • Laser reduction labiaplasty with reduction of excess skin around the clitoris
  • Laser reduction of labiaplasty during laser perineoplasty, aesthetic rejuvenation of vulvar structures and introitus

Whether you’re seeking labiaplasty for aesthetic purposes or to reduce pain, Dr. Kim can reconstruct the area to give you a better look and feel.

What can I expect during labiaplasty?

Dr. Kim performs labiaplasty at the office using a diode laser. Because of the nature of the procedure, Dr. Kim uses anesthesia to reduce discomfort. With precision and care, Dr. Kim removes the excess labia minora with the laser and aesthetically shapes the area.

The heat from the laser seals the skin and blood vessels as it cuts away the excess tissue, which minimizes bleeding, bruising, and healing time.

What happens after labiaplasty?

You may experience some discomfort after your labiaplasty. Dr. Kim will provide you with information on what to expect and how to take care of yourself following surgery. You may need to take some time off from work during the initial recovery period, and Dr. Kim may recommend you refrain from sexual intercourse for up to eight weeks following your procedure.

To learn more about in-office labiaplasty with Dr. Kim, call the office today, or schedule an appointment using the online booking button.