Jamie E. Kim, MD, FACOG
OB/GYN located in Fountain Valley, CA
About Dr. Kim
Jamie Kim, MD, FACOG, is a board-certified OB/GYN and an accredited associate of the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Institute of America with a practice in Fountain Valley, California. Dr. Kim is one of only a handful of doctors in the United States with advanced training in aesthetic reconstructive vaginal surgery, and she is among only a few women in the state of California able to perform these surgeries.
In addition to restoring vaginal health, Dr. Kim is also an experienced surgeon, with 25 years in practice. She offers da Vinci® robotic surgery for the removal of fibroids, ovarian tumors, and endometrial tissue. She also provides expert OB/GYN services, including well-women examinations and Pap smears as well as care and delivery of normal and high-risk pregnancies. For patients of all ages, Dr. Kim provides BioTe® hormone optimization.
To keep her patients looking young and vibrant, Dr. Kim also provides aesthetic treatments, including dermal fillers and Botox®. Dr. Kim received her undergraduate degree in biomedical science from the University of California Riverside, graduating cum laude. She then went to the University of California Los Angeles Medical School for her medical degree, and after completing an internship at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, she finished her residency program in OB/GYN at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
When she isn’t busy helping her patients live healthier, happier lives, Dr. Kim is spending time with her husband and children at their home in Newport Beach.
Dr. Kim is fluent in Korean, English, and medical Spanish, and each member of her team speaks at least two languages.

We provide BioTE hormone replacement therapy to patients of all ages.
Bioidentical Hormonesmore info
Renuvion Skin Tighteningmore info
Emsella®more info
Botox and Fillersmore info
Pap Smearsmore info
Pregnancymore info
Robotic Surgerymore info
Uterine Fibroidsmore info
Labiaplastymore info
Vaginoplasty (Vaginal Tightening)more info
Vaginal Rejuvenationmore info
STD Testingmore info
Words from our patients
18111 Brookhurst Street, Suite 4450
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Phone: 714-352-0629
Fax: (714) 848-4083
Office Hours